Aikido is a Japanese martial art that harmoniously combines an effective self-defense system with an ethical way of solving conflicts. Knowledge of aikido techniques gives a sense of security and confidence. At a higher level, aikido teaches control of emotions and develops trainees’ awareness.
Aikido Chrzanów School was established in 2003. We teach aikido to adults and children from the age of 7. All of our instructors have black belts and many years of experience.
Training for adults
Training sessions for adults at Aikido Chrzanów are held two times a week, with groups divided according to level of advancement. The main intake for the adult beginners group takes place in September, but interested persons can start training at any time during the year.
Training for kids
Activities for children are a combination of aikido techniques, play and general development. Many years of experience in this field in Aikido Chrzanów have taught us that this combination is an excellent way of enabling young samurai to dischargeenergy while developing their motor skills. We accept children between the ages of 7 and 13 years.